Intellectual Property Information

Nidec strives to secure intellectual property rights including patents in the four areas of the organization, securing of rights, utilization of rights, and globalization of intellectual property.

Nidec places importance on inventing and inventions in the belief that a useful and beneficial patent is born from close investigation of individual ideas by the Development Department and Intellectual Property Department.
Since at the same time we believe that a patent is valuable only when it protects our business, we carefully consider all ideas raised during the invention discovery process. We are constantly striving to secure "useful rights".
At the same time, we pay due respect to people at other organizations who obtain licenses or carry out technology transfers from such organizations to observe the rules of fair competition when necessary.


  • As shown in the following figure, the Development Department and Intellectual Property Department collaborate closely with each other in the invention of discovery activities. These activities include steps carried out by Intellectual Property Department staff in the Development Department.
  • In order to refine a technical invention to one that is useful for business, each unit maintains the "Integrated three-party system" to share respective views on management, development, and intellectual property.
  • Nidec Group companies collaborate with each other to build a comprehensive cooperative framework to protect intellectual property.

Securing Rights

  • Collaboration between the Development and Intellectual Property is stressed in the process of discovering an invention up to acquisition of rights. It is expected that companies will comprehend at Intellectual Property Department, in particular, the intellectual rights of developed technologies at the earliest possible point in time in order to maximize their value as rights.
  • When a development project that is important for our business is launched, obtaining the relevant patent(s) becomes a project. In such a case, we follow the necessary procedures with the cooperation of a chartered patent agent and, as necessary, an attorney.
  • Through these activities, Nidec maximizes the containing force of individual patents to utilize them as essential entry barriers. ("Operation patent network")

Utilization of Rights

Utility of a patent obtained to protect our business is demonstrated only when it is used timely during the execution of business. Based on this view, Nidec positively exercises its rights regarding patents obtained to protect Nidec interests in a manner that is timely and initially beneficial for business.

Globalization of Intellectual Property Activities

With the global development of business, Nidec emphasizes the importance of protecting our patents in overseas countries.

From the global viewpoint, Nidec puts extra focus on intellectual property strategy. In order to ensure more effective support of our business in China, Nidec established the Intellectual Property Sub office comprised of local staff in Dalian in April 2012.

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