Message from TOP

Customer-oriented services are NIDEC INSTRUMENTS's wellspring of growth.

A strong company requires a strong group of employees. For NIDEC INSTRUMENTS, employees should embody the Company's three core principles: ''Passion, Enthusiasm and Tenacity'', ''Intelligent Hard Working'', and ''Do it now,Do it without fail, Do it until it's completed.'' In its pursuit of corporate excellence, NIDEC INSTRUMENTS is further developing the proprietary technology it has accumulated, conducting product development to respond to market demands in a timely manner, applying the three core principles, and implementing strategic corporate reform throughout its worldwide operation. By being diligent and willing to face all challenges, we strive to provide the finest service to all.Thank you for your continued support of NIDEC INSTRUMENTS.

Founder and Executive Chairman (NIDEC CORPORATION)
Shigenobu Nagamori
Representative Director President
Toshiyuki Otsuka
Founder and Executive Chairman (NIDEC CORPORATION) Shigenobu Nagamori
Representative Director President Toshiyuki Otsuka

Chairman Vice President
Toshihide Arii
Chairman Vice President Toshihide Arii

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