Nidec GPM's Technical Capabilities
Prototype shop and test jigs
Prototype shop and test jigs: Because we feel it necessary to check our own quality first.
Prototype shop - test jigs - acoustics laboratory
Only by testing our own products thoroughly first can we be sure of our quality. We take this seriously – and are proud of our own prototype production shop. Internal communication between the R&D department and prototype shop enables us to carry out necessary optimisation runs without delays.
NGPM has an very well equipped test centre with over 70 test procedures. In these processes, we meticulously put our pumps through their paces – from the shaker test, fog spray chamber test and endurance test through to climate chambers, among others. We deliver better products to our customers.
In our modern acoustic laboratory, we test our pumps for noise emission. It is crucial for us to know that our pumps run as quietly and smoothly as technically possible. The test includes recording airborne sound. This allows us to determine sound pressure levels and a frequency spectrum. On the basis of this, interference frequencies can be determined and noise sources identified. An additional structure-borne sound sensor is used to confirm the recordings – in order ultimately to optimise our results even further.
Our acoustics laboratory has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 3746 (accuracy class 1 method for anechoic rooms and hemi-anechoic rooms) and DIN EN ISO 3744 (accuracy class 2 method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane).
(The auxiliary tools for the production of your prototypes are built in our own in-house prototype shop. This not only enables a high degree of quality and flexibility in the event of changes in planning and design, but also solutions specially tailored to your requirements.
Many years of know-how coupled with a qualified and motivated team of employees stand for the highest degree of accuracy and short response times. From the first technical drawings, we produce the prototype for your later development.
By using machines and equipment that closely reflect series production environments, we can achieve excellent repeatability in prototype construction.
Pilot series which are subsequently transferred across to serial production, can also be implemented by our prototyping department.