Product Information

Precise molded components

Introduce of molded parts of NIDEC INSTRUMENTS.
NIDEC INSTRUMENTS possesses much molded component facility in all over the world, and we offer a large number of precise molded parts to home electric appliance, office equipment and automotive.
The beginning developed our molded factory in the customer's site factory neighborhood according to the advance to customer's Japanese foreign country. We produce and deliver precise molded parts for many customers in the respective countries present. The local design and local production are one of the big features of our precise molded parts business.
Introduce of-vehicle lens in the precise molded parts.
The in-vehicle lens NIDEC INSTRUMENTS offers are called super-wide-angle lens or fish-eye lens, and it's the feature that it's the very wide view. Do you know "surround view monitor"? A surround view monitor generally loads 4 cameras with super-wide-angle lens into the square of the car, and image composition deals with those pictures in real time, and one picture is being made. When seeing a surround view monitor, weren't you surprised to begin? How to reflect, isn't the person who observed around the car here, either? We settle as the item you should have at depot insertion already. NIDEC INSTRUMENTS develops the super-wide-angle lens used by this surround view monitor, it's being produced.

Many motor vehicle manufacturers adopt the in-vehicle lens of NIDEC INSTRUMENTS which can reflect clearly though they're a super-wide angle. We concentrate a precise formation processing technology and highly precise assembly technology and have developed an in-vehicle super-wide-angle lens. And that, technological further evolution can achieve the high performance and quality and get the high market share by an in-vehicle super-wide-angle lens at present. Technology of NIDEC INSTRUMENTS will also support everybody's safety from now on.

Product Information Details

Optical simulation data sheet

It is possible to check the compatibility between the sensor device and our lens.
Enter the pixel size and number of pixels of the target sensor device and select our lens.
You can simulate the field of view obtained by combining them.
You can download this Excel sheet.

The optical simulation data sheet can be obtained from the following.

Optical simulation data sheet

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