
Sustainable Finance

Nidec issues green bonds to raise funds for businesses that contribute to solving environmental issues. Nidec has obtained a Second Party Opinion for the criteria set forth by the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) in its "Green Bond Principles 2018 (GBP) and Japan's Green Bond Guidelines 2017 from a third-party verification provider.

The world is increasingly going electric to reduce its dependence on coal and other fossil fuels --- non-renewable energy sources deemed responsible for more than three quarters of climate change-inducing greenhouse gas emissions. In the meantime, according to the International Energy Agency, approximately 38% of global electricity still comes from coal-fired power plants. Looking at the demand side, electric motors are estimated to account for half the electricity consumed worldwide. These facts indicate that collective improvements in motion-control efficiency play a key role in the advancement low-carbon social infrastructure, including road transportation. Acting at the global forefront of motor drive technology and manufacturing, Nidec is committed to doing its part to help curb global warming by serving as a critical gateway to a decarbonized world.

Green bonds that Nidec has issued

 Issue The ninth, tenth, and eleventh unsecured bonds (Green Bond)
 Offering Period 22 November 2019
 Payment Date 28 November 2019
 Issuance Period       3 years      5 years     7 years
 Total Principal Amount       JPY 50 billion      JPY 30 billion     JPY 20 billion
 Interest rate     0.020% per annum    0.090% per annum   0.150% per annum
 Use of Proceeds Capital expenditure and R&D expense for the production of traction motors for EVs
 Rating AA- (Rating and Investment Information, Inc.)
 Framework Nidec Corporation Green Bond Framework
 Second Party Opinion Second Party Opinion Obtained from Sustainalytics
 Investors  List of Investors
 Reporting Nidec Corporation Green Bond Reporting
Annual Review Obtained from Sustainalytics
 Press Release Nidec to Issue Green Bonds in Japan
Nidec Determines Terms and Conditions of Green Bonds

 Issue Euro-denominated senior unsecured bonds due 2026 (Green Bond)
 Offering Period 24 March 2021
 Payment Date 30 March 2021
 Issuance Period 5 years
 Total Principal Amount €500 million
 Interest rate 0.046% per annum
 Use of Proceeds Capital expenditure and R&D expense for the production of traction motors for EVs
 Rating A3 (Moody's)
 Framework Nidec Corporation Green Bond Framework
 Second Party Opinion Second Party Opinion Obtained from Sustainalytics
 Reporting Nidec Corporation Green Bond Reporting
Annual Review Obtained from Sustainalytics
 Press Release Nidec Decides Terms of Senior Unsecured Bonds Denominated in Euro (Green Bond)
Nidec Decides Terms and Conditions of Senior
Unsecured Bonds Denominated in Euro (Green Bond)

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