Company Information

FAQs about Nidec

General Information about Nidec

When was Nidec established?

Nidec was established on July 23, 1973, in Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Since its establishment, Nidec has developed its business to a global scale while constantly striving to be the "world's No.1 manufacturer of comprehensive drive technology." For details, please visit "History" to learn more about Nidec.


Please explain the significance and importance behind Nidec's corporate slogan "All for dreams."

In 2007, Nidec Group established its corporate slogan "All for dreams." The significance and importance behind this slogan encourages all employees of the group to join together as one and become "an employee organization that gives shape to dreams" and that constantly pursues "challenges, growth, and strength."

Corporate Slogan

Where is Nidec's headquarters located?

The headquarters for Nidec is in Kuzetonoshirocho Minami Ward, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.

Nidec Corporation

How many Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) have Nidec completed thus far, and what did Nidec acquire?

As of November 2019, the number of mergers and acquisitions completed is 66 companies. For details, please visit "M&A History" to learn more about Nidec.

M&A History

What types of business development is Nidec pursuing?

The Nidec Group works on a variety of motors from small precision motors to large motors and also products in which motors are applied, such as machinery, electronic, and optical components. In the motor field, Nidec produces a wide variety of motors of different sizes and for different applications, such as information and telecommunications equipment, office equipment, home appliances, automobiles, industrial equipment, and environment and energy. In regards to the three pillars of "Small precision motors," "Automotive motors," and "Motors for home appliances and industrial uses," Nidec Group will particularly focus on "Automotive motors" and "Motors for home appliances and industrial uses" to develop global business.

I would like to learn about "3Q6S." Is Nidec's 3Q6S manual for sale?

Among Nidec Group companies, the model for behavior is supported by 3Q6S. "3Q" is defined as quality employees, quality company, and quality products. "6S" refers to the general "5S" of workplace organization method derived from the Japanese terms "seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke," which means "sorting, straightening, systemic cleaning, standardizing, and service." Lastly, the final "S" is for "saho" or behavior. The 3Q6S manual consists of Nidec's management knowledge and details are strictly confidential. Therefore, the 3Q6S manual is not available for purchase.

Does Nidec offer public tours of its headquarters showroom and plants?

Please understand that the showroom in Nidec headquarters is usually not open to the general public. We are sorry, but plant tours are also usually not held.

I would like to know where the nearest Nidec base is located.

Please visit the following page:

Global Map

Questions about Accounting and Stocks

I would like to learn about Nidec's fiscal term.

Nidec's fiscal term closes at the end of March each year. The company's consolidated results are announced quarterly according to IFRS. Each account closing announcement date is decided separately and is provided in the IR Schedules

IR Schedules

When was Nidec's stock initially listed on a Japanese stock exchange?

Nidec's stock was initially listed on the Second Section of the Osaka Stock Exchange and the Kyoto Stock Exchange in November 1988 at an opening price of 5,150 yen per share. In August 1998, Nidec's stock was promoted and listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange.

I would like to review closing account information and other IR materials.

Please visit the following page to download the requested materials.

Selective Download Of Latest IR Materials

Questions about CSR

I would like to learn about Nidec's philosophy about corporate social responsibility.

Based on the five principles of Nidec's CSR Charter, Nidec strives to carry out honest, transparent corporate activities, as well maintain good relations with and to be trusted by society. For details, please visit the Nidec's CSR charter page.

CSR Charter

I would like to learn about Nidec's contributions to society through the company's activities.

Please visit the CSR activities page.

CSR activities

Since the application of motors require electricity, are Nidec's motors environmentally friendly?

It is generally said that electric motor driven equipment account for about 50% of the electricity consumed in the world. Replacing less energy efficiency motors currently installed in a wide range of products with high energy efficiency Nidec motors, will help to reduce overall energy consumption. Nidec strives for sustainability by reducing environmental impacts by offering more environmentally friendly products.

Questions about the Founder, Chairman and CEO Nagamori

How old is Chairman Nagamori? Where is he from?

Chairman Nagamori was born in August 1944 in Muko City, Kyoto Prefecture. You can read about his personal history in the comic book "The Man Hotter Than the Sun."

The Man Hotter Than the Sun


Where can I find information related to Transparency in coverage rule applicable to medical plans in United States?

On November 12, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Labor, and the Department of the Treasury published the Transparency in Coverage Final Rule (85 FR 72158-01), which is the price transparency mandate for group health plans and health insurance issuers in the individual and group markets in the United States.

Effective January 1, 2022, and fully phasing in over a three-year period, the Transparency in Coverage rule will require group health plans and health insurance issuers to:

  • Publicly disclose negotiated rates for in-network providers and allowed amounts for out-of-network providers
  • Disclose cost-sharing information and other pricing information to members

Even though the machine-readable data files provided in Phase 1 of the Transparency in Coverage rule are available to the public beginning 7/1/2022 and are intended for the public at large, the particular format mandated by the Transparency in Coverage rule for these machine-readable data files is more suited to be used by researchers and application developers using skills common to application developers rather than for individual members.

  1. 1)The machine-readable data files will be provided in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format
  2. 2)The machine-readable data files will be published monthly.
  3. 3)Nidec will not be providing the software required to read the files in JSON format.
  4. 4)The link to the Machine Readable Files is:

Beginning in 2023, the requirements in the Transparency in Coverage rule will give members the tools needed to access pricing information through their health plans in order to help make informed decisions about their healthcare.

We will be updating this link as and when required by United States law.

Inquiry by e-mail

  • The relevant department in our company will try to answer your inquiry promptly. Please note, however, that some inquiries may not be answered or may require time to be answered depending on the nature of the inquiry.
  • Please note that any inquiry we receive on our non-business days will be answered on the next business day at the earliest.
  • The content of the answer we send to an inquirer is addressed personally to the inquirer. Please do not divert a part or all of the content, or use it on a second-hand basis.
  • Nidec upholds the responsibility to protect your privacy. The personal information you have provided to Nidec through this site will only be used to answer your inquiry.
  • Nidec will not disclose your personal information to third parties, or use your personal information for purposes without your prior permission.

Inquiry Form

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