Glossary of Motor Terms
Coercive force, coercive intensity
Coercive force (or intensity) is a measure of the ability of a ferromagnetic material to withstand an external magnetic field without becoming demagnetized. This is defined as the intersect of the demagnetization curve with the horizontal axis in the second quadrature of the B/H graph as shown in the figure below. Coercive force is designated by HC, and its (SI) unit is Am-1 while the cgs unit is Oe (oersted).
1 Oe ≒ 80 Am-1.

Term List (C)
- Capacitor-run motor, Capacitor-start motor
- Carbon brush, Graphite brush, Metallic graphite brush
- Circulating current
- Coercive force, coercive intensity
- Cogging torque
- Commutation
- Commutator, Commutator segment
- Concave and Convex
- Concentrated winding
- Concentric winding
- Concentricity, Eccentricity
- Conductor
- Consequent pole
- Constant-power characteristics
- Construction of a DC motor
- Continuity of magnetic fields
- Cooling methods
- Copper machine, iron machine
- Core, Iron core, Laminated core, Lamination
- Coreless motor
- Coulomb friction
- Coupling,Rigid coupling
- Cylindrical motor