Special Feature 2023 - Integrated Report 2023

Human Resources


― Retain and develop diverse talent ―

Maintain and foster globally competitive human resources

Basic stance

To achieve consolidated net sales of 10 trillion yen by FY2030 and realize the Vision to become a global company that grows sustainably for the next 100 years and beyond and the world’s leading solution-providing business group that solves numerous problems for the people of the world, the Nidec Group believes that it is crucial to maintain and foster globally competitive talent, in other words, human resources capable of actively working globally. Defining those equipped with 3P attitudes (Proactive, Productive, Professional), problem solving skills, and cross-cultural communication skills as global human resources, we develop individuals who can exercise these abilities at a high level.


Initiatives in FY2022

Based on our basic stance on human resource development, we are proceeding with the cultivation of (1) personnel for senior management and key positions and (2) next-generation leaders (managers and people in charge). At the same time, we are promoting the early identification, development and strengthening of human resources on a global scale.
 With regard to the development of personnel for management and key positions, the Human Resources Development Committee was established in FY2020 to visualize key positions in the Nidec Group and discuss the appropriateness of the succession plans (successor development plans) among executives. At the same time, we identify potential candidates for the next generation of management personnel and promote strategic early development initiatives. In FY2022, we accelerated the development of candidates for managerial positions. In addition to assigning highly difficult tasks such as corporate restructuring and promotion, we have held a monthly “training school,” taught by the founder, aimed at instilling Nidec’s philosophy and management mindset. Furthermore, in November 2022, we established the Nomination Committee as a top-level committee to establish a system for the appointment of management (directors and executive officers).
 To cultivate next-generation leaders, we conduct training for managers to identify their strengths and weaknesses as leaders. Individual feedback reports are created and utilized for on-the-job training. In addition, educational videos on daily dialogue (one-on-one meetings) between superiors and subordinates are distributed throughout the Group companies in Japan to foster the development of subordinates in the organization and strengthen management skills. Furthermore, in order to develop and strengthen professional human resources, we have introduced the “Function-based Human Resources Management System,” which supports diverse experiences from the perspective of company functions, starting with the administrative divisions, and we are accelerating the development of human resources through the workplace and work that they should experience in the process of becoming professional human resources.

Toward the future

We will expand the scope of candidates for next-generation management personnel to include foreign nationals and promote early and systematic implementation of development measures. We have established the Global Business School (opened in 2016) and the Next-Generation Global Business School (opened in 2017) to provide opportunities for management candidates from Nidec Group companies around the world to acquire high-level management knowledge required of leaders of global companies. The Schools were suspended in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic but will be resumed successively. We will strengthen development of management personnel by providing opportunities to acquire knowledge and put it into practice. In the development of next-generation leaders and professional human resources, in order to promote autonomous growth, we will expand the lineup of human resource development measures (e.g. a customized training program in which employees can take courses of their choice) and strengthen our career development support.

Promote diversity

Basic stance

The Nidec Group recognizes diversity as a source of competitiveness. As we conduct business globally, we respect and embrace the differences among individuals and utilize those differences to the maximum extent to effectively respond to a rapidly changing business environment and customer needs. People from diverse backgrounds work at the Nidec Group, which has development, production, sales, and research bases all around the world. In addition to hiring talented and motivated individuals regardless of their personal attributes and values, we are working to develop and promote human resources and create a work environment in order to allow the organization and individual employees to demonstrate their potential to the fullest. In addition, we are working to refine our Nidec Principles, which we have cherished since our founding, in line with the times and instill them in all of our employees. At the same time, we are promoting initiatives to foster a sense of unity (alignment of vectors) among employees within the diversity that we should aim for as an organization.


Initiatives in FY2022

To achieve the empowerment of women set as a materiality KPI, it is important to create a work environment that allows the organization and individual employees to demonstrate their potential to the fullest. To this end, we have been promoting organizational development with the aim of stimulating relationships among employees and improving the performance of each workplace and eventually of the entire organization. We have introduced an “Organizational Performance Survey” designed to visualize the situation of each workplace and “Workplace Workshops” at each workplace where employees can talk frankly with each other, based on the results of the Survey. We are promoting the creation of an organizational culture and structure that can promote decision-making based on a vision while respecting diverse opinions.
 In addition, as values regarding careers become more diverse, we have been strengthening our support for employees’ autonomous career development through various initiatives, such as career interviews, Career Plan Sheet, and in-house job posting. In order to conduct fixed-point monitoring of the effectiveness of our efforts, we have incorporated items related to career awareness into the Organizational Performance Survey (introduced in FY2021). Through these initiatives, we aim to achieve sustainable corporate growth centered on the organization and people that support the Nidec Group.

Average score of the Organizational Performance Survey(item regarding career awareness)

Toward the future

Since around 2005, we have been promoting diversity regarding attributes, such as hiring of women and foreign nationals. In addition to this, we will strengthen activities focusing on diversity of individual employees’ values and career aspirations. As of the end of FY2022, the ratios of female directors, female managers, and female candidates for managerial positions were 15.0%, 7.0%, and 12.9%, respectively. The ratio of female directors reached the target due to active participation of female outside directors, whereas the ratios of female managers and female manager candidates have increased year by year, but still fell short of the targets. In order to achieve the targets of these indicators, in addition to continuing to support in-house development and appointment, we will further expand the scope of diversity and vigorously promote diversity and inclusion initiatives to maximize organizational performance by leveraging not only attributes of individual employees but also their values and aspirations.

Promote occupational safety and health, and health-oriented business management

Basic stance

The declining working population is a social challenge for the world, including Japan. Companies are required to take good care of their limited labor resources by supporting the health management of individuals, thereby helping to maximize the value of their human resources. To this end, it is essential to create a work environment that increases employee motivation and productivity.
 Under cooperation between the company and employees, the Nidec Group is promoting health-oriented business management, focusing on the creation of a safe and comfortable work environment that enables employees to fully demonstrate their abilities, and improvement of employee safety and health. The Health Promotion Committee, which has been established as a cross-departmental organization, plays a central role in enhancing systems for health management and promotion. In addition, health seminars by industrial physicians and health awareness surveys targeting all employees are conducted to improve the health literacy of employees. We have achieved a total smoking ban on the premises of our domestic business sites. We are thus promoting health-oriented business management.



Aiming to create a work environment that promotes our employees’ mental and physical health and help them shine at Nidec to the greatest extent possible, we have a Health Promotion Committee in place. Each business base has health promotion personnel to launch measures tailored to its workplace while working in collaboration with industrial physicians, i.e., health experts, and a health insurance union for the entire company to promote health-oriented business management.

Health management promotion system

Initiatives in FY2022

We held health seminars by industrial physicians to improve employee health literacy and the overall health of our employees. Each year, the theme of the seminar is decided based on the results of the Nidec Health Survey, an annual internal health survey. The seminar in FY2022 focused on the topics that were highly requested by employees and that were directly related to their health issues (e.g. stiff shoulders, back pain, sleep, smoking cessation, mental health). In addition, for employees with high health risks, we provide effective individual health guidance based on the results of health checkups and encourage them to undergo a thorough medical examination.

Toward the future

Currently, each Group company in Japan is implementing its own health management and promotion initiatives, but eventually we will build a foundation for promoting health-oriented management throughout the Nidec Group. We will implement medium- to long-term initiatives to strengthen our industrial health system, visualize the health status of the entire Group, and operate a cycle of improvement. We will continue our efforts to promote the physical and mental health of our employees and to create a work environment in which they can maximize their activities.


Ensuring the safety of employees is assigned the highest priority at all the Nidec Group’s business sites, including those newly established and those that were added through M&A. The Nidec sites in Japan have a safety and health committee in place to discuss measures to secure the safety of all the sites. We will continue to maintain a safe work environment and aim for zero serious accidents.

Initiatives in FY2022

We achieved the planned targets for the materiality KPIs related to safety activity checks and remote safety checks.

Toward the future

We will continue to work to prevent similar accidents on a global level by remotely checking the safety of manufacturing processes and facilities using webcams.

Lost-time injury frequency rate

Respect human rights and follow proper labor practices

Basic stance

Recognizing the importance of considering human rights in global business environments, Nidec responds to diversifying human rights-related issues in line with relevant international guidelines. The Nidec Group CSR Charter provides for respect for human rights, while the Nidec Group Declaration on CSR Conduct, which complements the CSR Charter, prohibits forced labor, child labor, and discrimination and inhumane treatment and guarantees proper wages, work hours, non-work days, leave, freedom of association, and the right to collective bargaining. In 2021, we established the “Nidec Group’s Basic Policy on Human Rights,” which organizes our stance and initiatives regarding respect for human rights.

Please click the URL below to see the Nidec Group’s Basic Policy on Human Rights.

 Most of the labor and ethical problems arising at workplaces these days are said to be attributable to inadequate management of human rights. Being fully aware that we are responsible for not only human rights issues inside our business sites but also labor and ethical issues arising in our supply chains, we will endeavor to create safe and secure workplaces where diverse human resources can play an active role.


Initiatives in FY2022

Each year, we implement various activities to promote human rights awareness, in conjunction with International Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week. In FY2022, we conducted e-learning on the theme of “Respect for Human Rights in Business Activities” and once again disseminated the “Nidec Group’s Basic Policy on Human Rights” to all Group companies. With regard to the management of working hours, in addition to proceeding with consideration to optimize the number of managerial personnel, we micromanaged the working hours of employees and properly reported to and coordinated with the relevant parties.
 In addition, we advised employees and their supervisors who reached a certain number of working hours in the middle of the month to make work adjustments through adequate communication.

Toward the future

We will strengthen our human rights due diligence in order to understand and minimize human rights risks at each Nidec Group site and in our supply chain. Specifically, we will conduct investigations at all of our global locations on human rights issues centered on our basic human rights policy and will strive to take appropriate corrective and preventive measures.
 We will continue thorough efforts to ensure proper working hours and prevent occupational accidents, thereby fulfilling our social responsibility as a company that employs over 100,000 people across the Group.

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